"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in
its net of wonder forever."—Jacques Cousteau

Sept. 8 - Kent Narrows, MD

Day 174 - More Rain & More Crabs
Piney Narrows Yacht Center

You just can't see much of an area when you're stuck on a boat in the rain. The rain didn't stop us from crabbing. We put our crab trap in the water first thing this morning and within a couple of hours we had all the crabs we wanted to mess with in one day. We pulled the trap out and put it away for another day. We stopped at 12, but I'm sure we could have gotten more...they weren't huge, but all legal size.

We debated leaving today and came very close to pulling out. We didn't have as much rain today, but the wind would have made our travel very uncomfortable. We did get to see the sun for awhile this afternoon and that was very nice.

I decided to cook the crabs this afternoon and pick them so we could have crab cakes for dinner. It only took Stan and I about an hour to get 2 lbs of meat...not bad for amateurs. I would hate to make a living doing this. We had a wonderful dinner and we have enough in the freezer for another. The same dinner at a restaurant would have cost $20-25 each. At least our day wasn't a total waste.

Picture ops are limited this week! Our catch for the day
Cooked and ready to pick 
The leftovers
The prize

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