"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in
its net of wonder forever."—Jacques Cousteau

July 28 - Susquehanna Kayak Trip

“My sons are the best gift I have ever received. They are the sunshine in my day, the joy in my soul, and the love of my life.” -Author Unknown
Last week was Kyle's birthday we celebrated by spending the day kayaking the Susquehanna River. The outfitters we used were located in Danville. We drove over from Bloomsburg to Danville, left our vehicle and they brought us back to Fishing Creek in Bloomsburg where we started our trip. We couldn't have asked for a better day...clear blue skies, very little wind and temperatures in the low 70s when we began. What a great day for this adventure.

Fishing Creek runs behind Kyle's house and we like playing there on warm days. We started a bit downstream from there at the Rupert Covered Bridge. From the bridge the creek dumps into the Susquehanna River and flows west. We paddled over 10 miles today. Everyone did amazing. Graham had his own kayak and the girls were great paddlers in the duel kayaks with their parents. We stopped a few times to swim, relax and eat a few snacks.

Getting ready to start. 
What a beautiful spot to kayak.
The scenery changed quite a bit as we paddled towards Danville.
We stopped twice along the way to swim and relax.
The water felt a little chilly...but oh so nice.
A fun day on the water.
Danville, Pennsylvania 
The last little section to the pull out was one of the prettiest spots.

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