"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in
its net of wonder forever."—Jacques Cousteau

Aug. 14-18 Cayuga Lake Vacation

"Always find a reason to laugh. It may not add years to your life, but it will surely add life to your years." -Unknown

Summer is quickly coming to an end. We enjoyed another little vacation on Cayuga Lake with our family. This week the weather was amazing and we had lots of time to enjoy the lake. The house was only a few miles from the marine and Ithaca so we were able to do a few things we enjoy in town also. We were having so much fun...we didn't get too many photos this time.

The kids usually arrive at the marina around lunch. This time we had a picnic and everyone enjoyed riding their bikes along the bike trails in the state park we live in.

The house
The bedrooms
Graham really enjoyed the basketball goal. The only downside was if the ball bounced off the court it would end up in the deep gully.
The View
The lake
Fun on the deck...games, basketball, eating and discovering new things.
Fun on the boat. Tubing and swimming...it's all fun.
Hattie decided she would go on the tube without anyone else. She did great and had fun.
What a big girl.
A spin around the lake in the evening is always a highlight.
We enjoyed an afternoon at our special little waterfall. Everyone had fun swimming and exploring.
We always make time for ice cream and painting.
Brytanie's creations.
Some of the girls rocks.
Graham's rocks.