Whale watching day! Our tour met right across the street from the hotel...no extra walking. They gave each of us an insulated suit to wear so we would stay dry and warm. Our guide took us to several places to see seals and told us about kelp and other eco things. Unfortunately, I can’t remember most of the info they told us. Then we went to see the whales. There were two or three pods (families) in the same area playing together. We got pretty close, but not as close as Sea World, but this was a lot better. I think there were 6 or 7 around. The boat ride was a lot of fun too.
Susie and Stan
The thing I hate the most about vacation is deciding on where to eat when you're starving. Especially when you are walking around and around and around. We lucked out again and found a place with a view of the water and not too expensive.

Our feet couldn’t take anymore walking so we drove out to the Pacific Rim area west of Victoria. This area is a little drier than usual (short on rain). I forgot my camera. We went by a restaurant called the Six Mile Pub…it was so cute. (Thanks to the Internet...I found a few pictures of it.) Who needs to spend time taking pictures, when you can find all you want on the computer! LOL
We then stopped at a beach area. Nothing like ours, we had to climb down a ways and the beach was made up of large pebbles. The sound they made when the wave rolled them around was very interesting. Another missed photo. We stopped at a Chinese place for dinner on our way back to town. We took the scenic drive around Victoria. Some of the houses must be worth millions. I could have found several we could be happy in. It’s unbelievably beautiful here. Everyone takes walks in the evening and lots of people ride bikes. I guess we would too if it was this cool and beautiful at home.
Six Mile Pub