Feb. 5 - Marathon, FL

Sombrero Resort & Marina

“The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.” ~ Lilly Tomlin

We've been in Marathon for five weeks and coming up with new ideas to blog about is getting very difficult. We're getting used to the island way of life...slow and relaxed. We have a nice routine down and the community of boaters here is wonderful. There's always something going on and we've met a lot of nice people. We've never been in a marina before that had people living on every boat...and every marina in town is the same way, so there's ways someone to visit with.

Living on a boat brings a lifestyle of freedom. The freedom that comes from knowing that today we can do anything we choose…fish, swim, hike, read, visit with friends, explore a new beach, cruise to a new location or just watch the world go by sitting on the flybridge absorbing the beauty of our surroundings; listening to the fish jumping and dolphins playing close to the boat or watching the pelicans dive for their breakfast. We’re free to enjoy whatever we choose. 

One of the things we enjoy about being on the boat is that the outside world seldom intrudes on our life. With limited access to TV we shut out the chaos of being bomb boarded with news programs, dumb comedy sitcoms, stupid commercials and other senseless chatter that fills the airways. We get the news we need in small doses from the Internet and have time to enjoy our world without the sensory overload.

The weather plays a big part of our life when we’re on the boat and controls the choices we make…it’s something we've learned to live with. It rained all day today and we spent the whole day on the boat...well I did. Stan and Donny have been walking each morning and they were able to get that in before the rain started. It was nice to have a quiet day hibernating on the boat.

Here are few random pictures from the past week.

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