Feb. 4 - Marathon, FL

Sombrero Resort & Marina

“When you look for the good in others, you discover the best in yourself.” ―Martin Walsh

Marathon in the winter is full of cruisers and it has an endless amount of activities to keep them busy. One of the activities I've been going to is pine needle basket weaving. I've enjoyed learning a new craft and it's fun to meet new friends and see the amazing things they have created.

Pine needle art is one of the oldest crafts known. It dates back 9000 years, even before pottery, which was made by lining twig baskets with clay. The Seminole Indians were one of the first tribes to make the pine needle baskets. They used a sharp piece of seashell or bone as a needle. Their baskets were woven so tightly they would even hold water and were also used for sorting seeds and feed baskets.

During the Civil War era the women made hats out of pine needles. They were sewn together with homespun threads. As transportation became more widely used, raffia as well as sinew, was used to sew the baskets. Today pine needle baskets are considered an art form and there is no limit to what can be done with pine needles with a little imagination and skills that come with patience and practice. My basket can’t be considered a piece of art, but I plan to keep practicing. It’s a compact craft that is perfect for the boat.

My first basket...I have a lot to learn before mine are pieces of art
A few examples of some unique baskets

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