July 17 - Belheaven, NC

Day 121 - Open Water and Cool Breezes
Scranton Creek - Anchorage

Another beautiful day. Our plan was to go to Oriental...which was just a short trip up Adam Creek and across the Neuse River, but we hated to waste such a nice day, so we pushed on. The ICW turns inland at Beaufort and goes through the Pamlico Sound, Pungo and Alligator Rivers and the Albemarle Sound, then you have to decide to take the Dismal Swamp or Virginia Cut to Norfolk. We haven't decided which way we will go. The Dismal Swamp would be more interesting and a lot prettier, but depending on the weather it could be very hot. The other way would take us closer to the Atlantic Ocean and provide a little more breeze.

Most of today was spent crossing large bodies of water such as the Pamlico Sound and Pungo River. The Pungo River looks more like a bay to me. It was very different from yesterday, the only boat traffic we saw were a few sailboats. We are anchored in Scranton Creek just off the Pungo River...very quiet and well protected. It should be a peaceful night. Homemade pizza, a pretty sunset and a little TV will finish off our day.

Adam Creek
Pamlico Sound
Some of the swamps we saw today
Shrimp boats around Hobucken
Scranton Creek anchorage

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