April 4 – Carrabelle, FL

Day 29 – Cleaning & Laundry
C Quarters Marina

You can't get away from the everyday chores of life even when you're cruising. Clothes still need to be washed, bathrooms (heads) still need to be cleaned and houses (in this case boat) still need to be dusted. So today was cleaning day...at least for me. While I played the good little housewife, Stan played his part as the great provider and foraged for food (went fishing). We both did a great job and we enjoyed fresh trout and flounder for dinner in our very clean boat.

There's a cold front coming in late tonight with strong winds, rain and possible hail, so we'll be waiting in Carrabelle a few more days for the weather to improve. We have decided to stop at several of the small towns along the Big Bend instead of making the 24 hour trip straight to Tarpon Springs. Our first stop will be Steinhatchee, which is about 8 hours across the Gulf. The Florida Big Bend is known as the Nature Coast, a look at what Florida used to be like 50 years ago. Most local cruisers told us not to miss it. Since we don't have a schedule to keep...it sounds like a good idea to us.

Carrabelle's claim to fame - The World's Smallest Police Station
Stan out fishing
Visitors on the dock this afternoon

1 comment:

  1. I remember passing by the police phone booth on our way to St George Island when I was young. Stopping for tater logs at the store and a Mt Dew too...miss those days!

    Leigh Ann (Dekle) Taylor
