Sept. 3 - End of Summer

"Autumn...the year's last loveliest smile." –William Cullen
Wow what has happened to summer...it's hard to believe Labor Day is over and fall is on its way. As warm as this summer has been you can definitely feel that fall is in the air now. Soon boats will be leaving the marina, which seems a bit odd since our marina never filled up this summer. We kept thinking more boats would arrive but they never did.

We've had a busy summer although we haven't spent as much time in Ithaca. We've enjoyed being in Lewisburg and close to our family. We've gotten a bit spoiled with the extra room, the washer and dryer, the large TV, the ease of shopping at great markets and the wonderful internet. When we were at the marina we felt very lonely. Even on weekends there didn't seem to be many people around. We have about six weeks left before we pull The Pearl and get her ready for her long winter nap. That will give us plenty of time to enjoy the nice days of fall here at the lake.

The only real get together at the marina this summer was in celebration of the 4th of July.
We did spent at least three or four days enjoying a picnic at Sheldrake Winery. We love sitting by the lake relaxing. We were a little stuck in a rut this summer, but oh what a place to be stuck.
The full moon rising over the marina in August.
This was the second time we had a chance to visit with David and Barbara this summer. We didn't have a lot of time to chat when they came through Lewisburg with the Great Race, but this time we had all evening.
One nice day we went to the Finger Lake Cider House for lunch. We aren't big fans of cider so we enjoyed a local beer, a great sandwich and a beautiful view of the lake.
This is a state park just down the road from our home in Lewisburg. There are so many great places to explore in New York and Pennsylvania.
This is a regular sight at the markets in our area.
Enjoying a pretty summer night with the family.
Hattie is five!
Labor Day bike ride to a near by town for lunch. Bring on fall...we're ready

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