Merry Christmas

"Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance." ­–Epicurus

Merry Christmas and Happy New year. After selling our home in January and taking a trip to Pennsylvania to see Kyle and his family we spent a quiet winter in Rockport enjoying Eric and his family. We finally broke loose of our Covid isolation practices when we headed north for the season. We visited with cruising friends and spent time in Charleston. It felt wonderful to be with friends and eat at some of our favorite places again. Things may not be exactly the same, but it's getting there. 

The summer was full of fun, family, hiking, waterfalls and exploring new places and revisiting some of our favorite spots. We truly love being in Ithaca in the summer. What's not to love, there are four state parks in our county and three beautiful gorges. We took getaways with Kyle and his family each month we were in New York. Most were around the lake, but in August we spent a week in Vermont...Bryt's parents joined us and we had a great time. 

We stayed in the northeast until the end of October enjoying a bit of fall before we headed west to Manitou Springs, Colorado and then back to Texas for the beginning of fall in the south. As much as we enjoy Ithaca in the summer we love being in Rockport for the winter. It offers us all the things we look for when we cruise...nice weather, good restaurants, cute shops, a grocery store close by and plenty of activities to keep us busy, but the best part of being here...we’re close to our Texas family. 

We have no idea what the future holds for us, but we feel blessed with the life we are enjoying right now. I hope all our friends and family have a wonderful Christmas and an adventurous New Year.

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