What is Traveling

“To travel is to release all the fears and doubts you pointlessly carry around with you.” —Kiana Azizian
Traveling is life. It’s experiencing the world to its fullest and putting yourself in new situations you’ve never dreamed of before. To travel is to breathe in the air of unimaginable places, taking in all the beauty the world has to offer. 
Traveling is unpredictable. It’s ending up in places you’ve never expected and meeting people you’ve never dreamt of knowing. It’s conquering your fears…trying new things. It’s limitless…infinite. Traveling is realizing the true size of this earth. It'll shrink the importance of your problems and will help you realize how insignificant your troubles truly are.  
Traveling equals freedom. Doing whatever you want entirely for yourself. It’s being disconnected from the world and completely present in the moment. It’s learning to appreciate the present, while forgiving the past and forgetting about the future. Traveling will destroy the person you used to be and help create the person you were meant to become. It’s letting go of your past and moving on.  
Traveling is like a drug, forming an addiction that controls your entire being. It'll rob you of your past life and control your future one. You'll become high off of life; causing you to crave that state of mind once you’re back at home.
Traveling is wanting to runaway…to explore new places. To travel is to wander aimlessly. It’s spontaneous trips to unforeseen destinations. It’s never being able to look at the world the same and believing everything and anything is possible. It’s taking life for everything it has to offer…breathtaking moments and unforgettable memories. It’s meeting unforgettable people who will forever change your life. It’s countless hellos and heartbreaking goodbyes.
Traveling is anything you want it to be. You create your own rules, because traveling has no rules. No time limits. No expiration dates. No commitments. It’s the act of embracing change and letting go of expectations. It’s accepting things for what they actually are…it’s chasing dreams. To travel is to live.


  1. I love this! Traveling certain can become an addiction.

    1. It certainly has for us...we get very antsy when we're home for very long. We're heading to Costa Rica next week to get our travel fix!
