April 6 - We’re Back

Olverson’s Lodge Creek Marina

“I don’t mind being gone…it’s the leaving I don’t like.” –Susie Marshall

People think when we go back to the east coast we're going on vacation. It's not a vacation...it's just life. We're going back to our home...lots of people have two homes. Rockport is full of winter Texans, when the weather up north gets cold they come south...when the weather begins to warm up in Texas we head back to The Pearl. We enjoy the variety that having a place on the east coast and in Texas offers.

We’re back onboard The Pearl…Day One: open up the boat, unwinterize systems, flush out the water tank, unpack the car and try to find a place for everything we brought back. It seems like the boat gets smaller every year. After six months at home and on the Texas Pearl…it has! Day Two: wash the boat, provision and figure out what projects to get started on. Before we leave this marina we want to paint the non skid portion of the deck, put a coat of Cetol on the teak, wax the top sides, paint the dinghy bottom, and redo the name plates…those are just the big projects, I’m sure there are a lot of other little things too. If the weather stays nice we should be ready to go in a few weeks.

The boat looks good...everything looked just as we left it. Even the anchor was still here! The last time we left the boat this long someone helped themselves to our Rocna anchor.
A little celebration dinner for being back onboard and finishing our first day of work.


  1. Looks like a great plan for summer after an awesome winter. Have fun and tell Fred and Cas Barbara & David said hello.

    1. It's good to hear from you. I hope your year has been going well. Any plans for the summer? We're excited about our summer plans, but will miss running into old friends.
