Oct. 23 – Texas Pearl Cruise

Rockport Harbor

“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.” – Anaïs Nin
Last weekend we had a chance to take the Texas Pearl out for a cruise. We went up to San Antonio Bay and anchored close to Panther Lake...a place where Stan has spent a lot of time fishing in the past. The weather was nice, although still a little warmer than we'd like. It was a beautiful evening and we enjoyed watching the Hunter Moon come up over the horizon while doing a little fishing.

This was the first time we pulled a dinghy with us. It seemed to work well
Just a little crowded on the water today.
While Stan fishes...I take pictures.
Poling through the shallow areas
A beautiful evening for fishing
Can you see the LARGE alligator in the foreground? He was longer than our little boat! We all kept an eye on each other.
A pretty sunset with Texas Pearl in the distance.
The beautiful Hunter Moon rising in the east
Looking for flounder to gig
The flounder Stan gigged weren't the largest we've seen, but they made a great late night dinner. Straight from the bay to the frying pan.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely imagery and relaxed tone of voice - felt that I was really there with you. Great catch too!
