July 24 – Woods Hole, MA

Hadley Harbor – Anchorage

“Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure.” –Bob Bitchin

We enjoyed our down time in Lake Tashmoo. The weather the last few days has been amazing. Warm enough to enjoy being in the water but not too hot that sitting on the deck was uncomfortable, but the nights were another story...both Friday and Saturday night we had high winds and quite a bit of rain. Several boats drug anchor and people were on high alert in the harbor. We were glad to be sitting on a free mooring ball with no one north of us as the cool front moved through Saturday night.

There's a three day limit for anchoring or mooring in Lake Tashmoo, so we moved on today. Stan did a little fishing as we made our way across the Vineyard Sound. The tide was against us as we went through Woods Hole. A crazy place on any day, but a beautiful Sunday afternoon in July made it a zoo...boats everywhere and a killer current. We anchored in a popular harbor called Hadley Harbor, a very pretty place for swimming or exploring in a dinghy or kayak. 

We’re finding it hard to find places to anchor along Cape Cod so we can explore the towns…there are plenty of expensive mooring, but no free anchorages. So we’ve decided to head over to Fairhaven tomorrow. We’ll spend the rest of this week exploring the area from the marina and then head to Pennsylvania on Sunday to play nanny to our grandson. Florida has made a fuss about anchoring in certain bays and harbors, even going to court to change the laws to prohibit anchoring. Well Massachusetts did it the easier, smarter way...at least around Cape Cod. They’ve filled the harbors and anchorages with mooring balls, leaving no room for boats to anchor. This way the communities make money and they can regulate how long each boat is allowed to stay. In most cases it keeps the transients out because the cost is higher than most of us want to pay. It seems like Florida could learn from Massachusetts...fill the areas where homeowners don't want squatters with moorings, charge an exorbitant price and limit the days transients can stay. I'm pretty sure the issue of derelict and liveaboard boats would clear up and the communities could make a little money instead of spending it on lawyers trying to change the laws. 

Our view in Lake Tashmoo
 Just a little rain and wind Saturday night
Our Sunday morning visitors
Leaving Lake Tashmoo
Lake Tashmoo Town Beach
Nobska Lighthouse built in 1829 
Just a little current running through Woods Hole Inlet
and just a little traffic

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