New Plymouth History

Donny’s Boat Rental & Marina

The Memorial Sculpture Garden features bronze sculptures of the town's prominent loyalist founders as well as their descendants and slaves. The centerpiece depicts the arrival of Loyalists from the United States following the Revolutionary War. Reflecting the loyalists' allegiance to the Crown, the sculptures are arranged in the pattern of the Union Jack. Plaques detail the deeds and achievements of each of those commemorated. The garden is a Bahamian national monument. 

Albert Lowe Museum was built in 1976 the first museum in the Bahamas. It is located in a restored Victorian-era family home that was originally built in 1825 and featured traditional gingerbread-trimmed porches, dormer windows and one of the only cellars on the cay. The museum was established to preserve the unique history and development of Abaco from the time of the Loyalists. Displays include model ships carved by Albert Lowe, various historical artifacts, photographs, paintings, writings and other exhibits. Highlighted are various industries and occupations that have supported Abaconians over the years.  
Ye Olde Gaol (jail), was built in the mid-19th century as the original jail in Green Turtle Cay. The seemingly random stairs to nowhere on Ye Olde Gaol once led to a second story that was destroyed in the 1932 hurricane. Following that, the jail was not rebuilt, but the Architectural Preservation Foundation of Green Turtle Cay has made the jail one of the many historical features of the community. The two-story building originally served as a jail, post office and Commissioner’s Office. Making Ye Olde Gaol the seat of government for all of North Abaco.

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