Feb. 28 – Marathon, FL

Sombrero Resort & Marina

“We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.” —William James

Today was our last day in Marathon and we filled it with all kinds of activities and time with friends. Today was National Pig Day, a lesser known holiday that is celebrated in style here in Marathon. A local restaurant named The Stuffed Pig, sponsors 3 days of activities. There are a lot of kids activities that include a bouncy house and a climbing wall, but the best activity is the pig races. All processes go to the Grace Jones Community Center, which is a non-profit daycare for special needs children.

The races are pretty much like a horse race, where you bet on your favorite…favorite here being determined by which name you like the best. Stan chose Sizzling Sausage, Miley Swinrus and neither of us can remember the third pig’s name…we’ll just call him Slow Porkie, because he came in last. Our first two were winners and Stan made $34…not too bad for an afternoon of fun. Of course we spent most of the winnings at the fundraiser as we sat and visited with friends. Our next stop was at The Key Fisheries for happy hour, dinner and a little music…more wonderful stone crabs, hogfish and lobster mac & cheese.

Our next stop for the evening was Dockside, to listen to Eric Stone. The guys pooped out so Pam, Charlotte and I made it a girl’s night and had a great time. We’ve really enjoyed our time in Marathon and we’ve met some wonderful people, but we’re ready to move on and do a little more exploring.

A small street fair (art show) at Cranes Point, not large but worth the trip.
And they're off!
Our pig is in the lead
The pot belly pigs where very slow...and ours was the slowest
Bouncy pig races for the kids
Our view for dinner
Our last night with friends. Pam, Stan, Donny, Larry, Gail and Susie
Charlotte and her new friend at Dockside

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