April 18 - Charleston, SC

Ashley Marina

We've had beautiful spring weather this week in Charleston. We start our days sitting on the deck enjoying our coffee and the view of the water...not a bad way to begin a day! Stan has been redoing some of our brightwork this spring, and it's looking amazing. This week Stan's has been able make a lot of progress, but the weather will be changing soon, as another cold front moves through. Rainy, windy weather really slows work down. I spent the morning cleaning the inside of the boat; it still amazes me how dusty a boat can get...especially when we're so far from shore.

I took advantage of the beautiful day and went exploring this afternoon. On my way to check out the Gateway Walk, I had a flat tire. I walked the bike part way back to the boat before Stan came to my rescue. He loaded the bike into the car and took me to the bike shop. In about 15 minutes they had me fixed up and I was on my way... back to the Gateway Walk.

There's a little known walkway in Charleston, called the Gateway Walk, that connects the Unitarian Church and St. John's Lutheran Church, located along Archdale Street to the Circular Congregational Church on Meeting and St. Philip's Episcopal on Church Street. It’s situated in the historic heart of Charleston and yet off the beaten path, Gateway Walk provides a break from the busy main streets as it meanders through old graveyards and secluded gardens, much of the way in the quiet shade of moss draped live oaks.

The walk was the first civic project of the Garden Club of Charleston and opened on April 10, 1930 to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the founding of Charleston. Gateway Walk is one of Charleston's best hidden treasures and very pretty on such a nice spring day.

St.John's Lutheran Church - Established in 1742
The Unitarian Church - the oldest Unitarian church in the South
Part of the cemetery at the The Unitarian Church
The Gateway Walk between the The Unitarian Church and Charleston Library Society
Circular Congregational Church and Parish House - Organized in 1681, it is one of the oldest continuously worshiping congregations in the South
A view of St. Phillips from the Circular Congregational Church Cemetery
Headstones in the Circular Congregational Church Cemetery - these are from the mid 1700s
Headstones in the St.Philip's Episcopal Church. John C. Calhoun is buried in this cemetery. 

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