Mar. 11 - Charleston, SC

Ashley Marina

We're still here in Charleston. Last week was pretty windy all week (30-40 MPH), but Stan was still able to strip the old Cetol off the teak on the flybridge and get it ready to be refinished. It now has four new layers of Cetol and is ready for four coats of gloss, it's looking great. Stan has also worked a little on the stern port deck.It's been soft (moisture) under the fiberglass. Stan repaired the starboard deck last spring. He drilled holes in the deck to allow the wood to dry out and has now filled them with epoxy. The next steps are to fill the holes with filler, sand and then paint.

I spent most of last week sick...sleeping, watching TV and finally visiting an urgent care center for antibiotics. It's definitely not fun being sick on the boat, but with the nasty weather we had I really didn't miss out on much. By Sunday I was feeling back to normal and finally got to be back in the land of the living. I started the day by getting sticky buns at Wildflour Pastry...so good. Then I painted the chairs we use on the flybridge and did work on some interior wood...a little sanding and varnishing. We’re beginning to see the end of our project list.

The deck before Stan drilled the holes
The deck ready to be filled with epoxy (180 holes) 
Before...in the need of a little TLC 
After a new layer of paint
The neighbors got new furniture delivered last weekend.

1 comment:

  1. There are always boat projects, eh? The older the boat, the more to do, but it is fun.
