Feb. 22 - Charleston, SC

Ashley Marina

We're in a wet weather pattern. We get a few days of sunshine and then another front moves through with a few days of rain. We get out and do as much as we can when the weather permits. I love riding my bike around town, so I get out and explore when the weather is nice. We save running errands in the car for rainy days, so we have an excuse to get off the boat. I rode my bike to the library on Thursday and checked out about half a dozen movies...I'm ready for the rain that is predicted for the weekend.

We had to move Pearlzday to Thursday since we knew Friday was going to be a soggy day...you have to have priorities you know! George and Maryann, on Old Spice, joined us and we all had a great time.

Little grocery store on Broad Street
This car drove up to the store while we were there.
Carriage tours of Charleston 
Tulip Trees are blooming all over town
The little barber shop on Broad Street where Stan had his hair cut 
Fun at Pearlz - Stan, Susie, Maryann, Pam, George and Don


  1. These are some really great pictures! To me, Charleston is the classic image that everyone from the north, like me, has of the south. My husband and I recently looked into some real estate in Charleston, SC to see about buying a summer home. Or we may just decide to move down permanently. Do the people around take kindly to outsiders?

    1. Charleston is a wonderful place to live and the people here are very friendly and excepting of others. Lots of southern hospitality here. They will probably always think of you as a new coming, but they will be very friendly. It really is the typical southern place people think of when they think of the south.
