Mar. 28 - Great Bridge, VA

On The Hard
Atlantic Yacht Basin

Last night was a very cold night here in Virginia and we woke up this morning to a very cold cabin, 45 degrees to be exact! Since we are up on blocks (on the hard) our air conditioner/heater doesn't work, it has to have water to run. We had lots of extra blankets on the bed last night. There really wasn't any hurry to get out of bed this morning...I could hear the work going on below me and there wasn't anything I needed to do. I made coffee and stayed under the covers till around 10:00. The rest of our day was spent watching the work on our boat progress, wandering around the boat yard and visiting other people...occasionally there were a few boats going by in the river to entertain us. They finished the bottom late this afternoon and will put us back in the water tomorrow morning.

The view of the river from the marina
Watching the work go on
New paint...looks nice

1 comment:

  1. Every day gets you a little bit closer to you continuing the journey! The Pearl looks great! We need to wash the Turtle, but it is rather useless where we are currently traveling because there is so much sand in the area!
