April 26 – Fort Myers Beach, FL

Day 51 – Haul Out
Olsen Marine Service

First thing this morning Olsen Marine Service hauled the boat out and set it up in their yard. Stan got busy working on things from his list. He changed the engine and injection pump oil, replaced the zincs and fixed the electrical wires to them, removed the old house battery, replaced a temperature switch on the generator, and cleaned the strainers. Tomorrow the yard will clean and wax the hull and help Stan replace the battery. We should be back in the water tomorrow afternoon.

While all that work was going on I helped by staying out of the way.  I rode my bike across the bridge to the beach (see picture below). It is spring break for the local public schools so it was a zoo. I had fun looking through the shops and watching people.

Out she comes!
Our home for the night...they didn't get us to level, but it will work
Here's what the bridge looks like from the boatyard...it looked much higher when I rode the bike over it
A view from the bridge - looking towards the boat yard and restaurant we ate in last night
A view from the bridge - looking across to the beach
Fort Myers Beach Time Square
A sea of people

1 comment:

  1. man, a lot of people, can you imagine a weekend in the summer!!!!! and that bridge, you peddled across that, was there much traffic?? this is judy, missing you but it is also very exiting reading the blog and seeing the pics!!
