April 24 - Fort Myers, FL

Day 49 - Happy Easter
Ft. Myers Yacht Basin

The Ft. Myers First United Methodist Church was just a few blocks away so we started our day by going to the early service. It really didn't feel like Easter today...we really missed seeing our family and friends.

We spent the afternoon at the Edison & Ford Estates. Thomas Edison built his winter home in Ft. Myers in 1885 and his friend Henry Ford bought the house next door in 1916. Neither house looks extravagant on today's standards, but they were state of the art in their time. Edison planted hundreds of Royal Palms along the road in front of his estate and the city of Ft. Myers added more. Now there are fourteen miles of Royal Palms along McGregor Boulevard and more all over town. Ft. Myers is known as the City of Palms. Beside the homes we toured the gardens, laboratory and museum. It was quite interesting and we learned a lot.

We spent the rest of the day on the boat. Stan did a little research on batteries since we need to replace the ones we have and I uploaded pictures to my album on Picasa. We had a nice dinner on the boat and then watched a movie.

First United Methodist Church
This is one Bayan tree
Lily Pond on the Edison estate
Edison's office and moonlight garden
Edison's main house and the guest house
Living room in the main house
Thomas and Mina Edison's bedroom
The kitchen and diner room were in the guest house
Henry Ford's house
Mysore Fig tree

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