Departure Date

We have finally set a departure date…March 6. That will be one year after we first looked at this boat. The weather will play a major factor in whether we actually leave on that date. If a weather window opens a little before then…we will go, if the weather is threatening we will stay. We have to cross Matagorda Bay to reach the ICW, so we really don’t want a windy day. Once in the ICW we will be protected from the wind until we get to Galveston Bay. We really won’t have a schedule to keep once we leave…we will move on when we feel like it and the weather cooperates.

So many little details we need to take care of before we leave, but the list is getting shorter. It’s kind of scary and at the same time very exciting…a year of planning and now we are almost ready to leave.



  1. Thanks for the tutorial! I haven't seen the flag before - is it new? March 6th - wow - so soon (actually it has been a long time coming - a lifetime! I'm excited for you both!

  2. That's our looper flag...it lets other loopers know who we are. Glad you figured this out.

  3. ok think ive got it!!! miss you already, have fun
