Facebook Photo Challenge

Facebook has been full of black and white photos...part of a photo challenge. The instructions given to me were: Seven days, seven black and white photos of your life. No people. No explanation. 

I was also supposed to tag someone each day to invite them to join, but I decided most of my friends probably wouldn't take part, so I just posted my pictures. I followed the rules otherwise and posted my photos without an explanation...although it was a little difficult not to add a caption.
My fellow blogging friend from The Cynical Sailor and his Salty Sidekick was the one that challenged me and then she posted a blog entry with the explanations she wanted to include in her Black & White Photo Challenge posts. I thought it was a wonderful idea...so here are the captions I wanted to add to my photos.

Day 1 - The Blue Crab has been a tourist and local favorite in Rockport since the late 50s. In 2011 an artist constructed the latest version that sat next to Little Bay until Hurricane Harvey blew it away. Now another artist has painted a large crab to take its place until a permanent one can be constructed...reminding everyone that Rockport will recover. 
Day 2 - The blue herons have returned to the posts by Texas Pearl...I love to watch them and I worried a lot about them and the other birds during the storm. They're one of my favorite birds to photograph.  
Day 3 - This is Little Harbor in the Abacos...can you spot The Pearl? It's a small remote place and it was one of our favorite places, surrounded by beautiful clear water and secluded beaches. We look forward to returning here one day. 
Day 4 - Sandpipers are another fun shore bird to photograph. They scurry along the edge of the surf, darting just out of reach of the waves.  
Day 5 - Blog readers know I love beach combing...lobster buoys were my treasure of choice in Maine and now they decorate the fence at our home in Texas.  
Day 6 - Our pool looks more like a pond than a place of beauty and relaxation these days, but the wild animals love to visit and I enjoy watching them. 
Day 7 - We don't see a lot of white pelicans in this area, but this flock seem to love the beach next to the causeway leading into Rockport.