Still Boating

We have been out on the boat every weekend, but nothing too note worthy. Kelley and her kids came for a visit Friday…only got to visit on the boat (no ride). The bay was a little choppy and we thought it might be a little rough for them.

Kelley, Hayden and Kaylen
By Sunday the bay was as smooth as glass. It really seemed a little strange…I don’t recall ever seeing it that flat. It was hard to tell where the water ended and the sky began.  You could actually see the reflections of the clouds in the water.

July 4th Weekend

Hurricane Alex made a visit to Northern Mexico June 30; bringing us around 10 inches of rain, high tides and a little wind. We thought the storm might completely ruin our 4th of July activities, but a lot of the fun still went on.

Larry Joe Taylor…“Doin’ it on the Deck” is an annual event put on by the Main Street Theater. It takes place at the marina….so we had a front row seat. We cooked dinner on the boat and had friends join us for the fun.

Larry Joe Taylor at Nautical Landings
Saturday we were going to take the boat to Port O’Connor to watch the fireworks and spend the night, but the wind and threat of rain changed our minds. We spent the day in Lockhart with family instead. The temperature was very pleasant, so we had a great time visiting with everyone and watching the kids take part in all the games.

We finally got out on the bay on Monday, the temperatures were still nice and we had a very relaxing day.

Getting ready for the sack race
Hannah and Emma showing off their trophies
Jenna's turn at the piƱata